The smallest, toddling man in our family has learned to walked. He took his first step on March 22nd, the day of his Uncle Jack's birthday. His large, cloth-diapered bum waddles back and forth. It seems the momentum is what knocks him down. I've wondered if I should try some light-weight disposables on him for a few days to see if it helps. But the waddle is too cute!
At this time last year, I was extremely pregnant. Twinges of pain were shooting down my legs. I was sleeping very little at night, wanting to sleep all day. I was very eager to go into labour.
We had joined some dear friends for Easter Dinner and I was sure I would go into labour by the end of the evening! But, it dragged on into the next day. And on the evening of April 17th, the day after, I went into labour. Soul-Baby was born just after 2 am on April 18th.
It has been a full year already. A full year of loving this small human who has changed our life. As I see green-stimmed daffodils flinging out their vibrant yellow trumpets, I remember seeing them the morning after giving birth and being amazed at their boldness, at the way they beckon spring.
Last night, we drove to the public library together. My husband shuffled through CD's with Soul-Baby while I helped Alley pick out books and a couple of children's DVD's. For some reason, the combination of simple goodness made my heart literally throb. It felt bursting with love and thankfulness. When we got in the car, I said: "My heart expands near to bursting multiple times a day. I love this time in our life." And we felt thankful and humbled at the simple gifts we've been given, quieted by the fleeting fragility of these days and moments.
It seems appropriate as Easter draws near, to take some moments to give thanks for what has been born in our life, making room for new mercies every morning.
"...made my heart literally throb. It felt bursting with love and thankfulness. When we got in the car, I said: "My heart expands near to bursting multiple times a day. I love this time in our life." And we felt thankful and humbled at the simple gifts we've been given, quieted by the fleeting fragility of these days and moments."
YES! Said so well.
those pictures are funny and so tender and wonderful. solomon continues to remind me of my brother!!! (at that age, of course.)
hey kell--
no, it's pretty much the same visibility. have you tried changing the wallpaper?
It's strange. On my end, it is as it always has been. But on my husband's MAC, it is all brown. I'm nervous to change anything for fear of losing content. YIKES! I'll see what I can do...
strange; i can see ur blog fine; maybe diff computers; is tamie using mozilla? i still use internet explorer, i admit!
blessings to and your family on this Easter Monday!! i enjoy reading your words and i understand how one can feel so moved by that which is so tender and yet so fleeting...
hey did you know your bubba is exactly one month older than mine....I was wishing mine would wait until the 20th and share her Grand-daddy's birthday, but it wasn't to be!
And my April baby was born on Easter Monday...although her birthday falls after Easter this year, I still think of her as my Easter Baby! She'll be 3 on Friday.
(And we have a Christmas Baby too - well, on the 20th)
my son was born last year on May 2nd! And he is nowhere near walking :) What a cutie you have!
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